Custom Fitting Wax Hardened Armor

a pair of leather garters laying on a bed.

Due to varying temperatures while travelling (or because we shipped the pieces without shaping them) it is unlikely that hardened leather pieces will be properly fitted upon arrival.    

To get your armor properly fitted, use either a heat gun, blow dryer, or conventional oven to warm the pieces just enough to loosen the wax. Once the pieces are warm enough to be pliable, strap them on to their intended home and let them rest until the wax re-hardens.   

  • Be careful not to over-heat the leather. A low temp, slow approach is best, you’re only looking to loosen the wax a bit. 
  • Be careful of the metal buckles/rivets/etc. as they will most likely be very hot after the armor is heated.    

After a few good hits, your leather armor may loosen up a bit in spots. To re-harden these spots, follow the fitting process again and your armor will be back in fighting condition.